The Forum Project


These photographs follow the building of the Millennium Forum which replaced the old Norwich Library which burnt down a few years earlier. I had access to the St Peter Mancroft Church tower opposite which had a great vantage point. Its traditional B&W 35mm film and eventually scanned on a Nikon Coolscan IV ED.


The original Central Library destroyed by fire in August 1994.

39.7 million pound bid for Millennium Lottery cash August 1995 (turned down)

June 1997 the Millennium Commission grants 30 million pounds towards the projected 60 million pound project.

Plans include, a self service one-stop library, a 12,000 volume children's library, 120,000 books on the shelves, a modern sprinkler fire suppression system, 220 studying spaces, 59 personal computers and 250 CD-ROM titles, the 2nd Air Division Memorial Library, 150,000 Norfolk studies items

The building design by architects Michael Hopkins & Partners.

Construction by RG Carters.

Using more than 500,000 bricks.