Contact & Friends
Prices of prints etc please email for details.
Useful links to my working friends.
Neil Barstow - Colour Management Consulting, all your Colour Management needs including colour profiles, equipment and more.
Darren Leader - Graphic Designer.
Andi Sapey - Photographer.
JohnsonDesign - Graphic Design Partnership.
Singular Publishing - Charlie Watson for publishing, editing and creative writing.
Sainsbury Centre - Top Museum to visit on the University of East Anglia's campus in Norwich.
Si Barber - Photographer from West Norfolk, interesting projects.
Freddie Child-Villiers - A South African photographer who has developed a great Kodachrome Profile preset which I'm now using via Adobe Lightroom.
Justin Partyka - Photographer, currently living in France but lots of interesting colour work on rural East Anglia.
Niall McDiarmid - Photographer, publishing some great books, utilizing colour in his work from documentary to portraits.
Richard Heeps - British artist & photographer.