Over the last 6 months I've been concentrating on the 'revived' Norfolk Suite and have really enjoyed driving to revisit the areas I last photographed a few years ago, also to cover areas of Norfolk which I hadn't previously traveled to.
The first few trips were out to the west of Norfolk skirting the border with Suffolk, Cambridgeshire up to Kings Lynn then heading back to east Norfolk to more home territory of Gt Yarmouth and round towards Cromer and Sheringham. Recently the trips have become more inland from the east coast exploring corridors of villages and roads. Hopefully the photos on my Instagram site show my observations of the trips. Below a rough map with my routes and detours.

There are few gaps like Kings Lynn round to Sheringham on the coast road which I know really well from the past and the area south east of Norwich but hopefully they will have a few surprises for me photographically. A new Norfolk Suite gallery will be published in the next few weeks.
Cheers, Andy